1linerWeds: Wednesday Weirdness.

Good day to you all and welcome to a new slot on Return of the Internet Nobody, while the alternative dictionary takes a break for the duration of this…extraordinary time we’re all living through, to make way for, well, weirdness.

No idea what that actually means in the long run, but it’ll be original content, it’ll be on Wednesdays until further notice and, needless to say, it’ll be weird.

It could be music, videos, GIFs, animation, digital art, anything at all, the only thing they will have in common is that they will only have a one line explanation. This allows me to continue crowbarring them into Linda’s One Liner Wednesday feature and gives me something to do that takes longer than coming up with a bad pun once a week.


I made a video to go with my latest original composition, “Fazer”; created using a timelapse of a cycle ride to the park, which you can see in this gif..

…and which you can watch in all its psychedelic glory, right here on YouTube.


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