The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

It was a very fortuitous theme I picked for The Cosmic Photo Challenge this week, since the only place the temperature was bearable over the weekend was; In the trees.

I took Audrey down to Rock Park to meet her friends yesterday morning, taking the opportunity to capture some greenery at the same time as enjoying the much-needed shade. (The somewhat vertiginous effect of a few shots is due to the use of a wide angle lens)

Now let’s see what arboreal delights you found for us to marvel at…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with  #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

This week’s prompt on The Cosmic Photo Challenge asked you to get out amongst the greenery and show us what it’s like in; My green world.

I took a short drive into the countryside just outside Barnstaple, to capture some of the newly lush landscape around Westacott and in the hills above Goodleigh.

I look forward to seeing what delights you have to unveil to us this week…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with  #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

On this week’s adventure in inspired imagery with The Cosmic Photo Challenge, I asked you to capture your photos; In the big wide open spaces.

There isn’t anywhere round here which meets that description better than Exmoor National Park, so I took a drive up to the hills around Simonsbath and enjoyed the peace and quiet in glorious sunshine.

I even filmed another little video tour for you.

Did the weather look kindly upon your corner of the world this week? Come on, let’s have a look at what you found…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post. Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal. Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Hello again, welcome to the week and another show and tell on The Cosmic Photo Challenge, today themed around the prompt; Against the wind.

Did I say something about the weather cooperating on Saturday?

Hmm, silly me, that didn’t help at all.

Saturday was mainly grey and miserable, with short bursts of blue sky and apathetic sunshine, yesterday it was just nasty, so I had to settle for snapping some wind-sculpted trees on a drive through the hills around Bideford.

Did the elements play ball for you at the weekend? Come on, let’s see what you captured…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Hello there, it’s Monday again which means it’s time for your weekly round up of our intrepid photo-bloggers’ exploits in the land of The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

For this week’s mission, assuming you decided to accept it, you were instructed to capture the likenesses of things; Before the leaves.

I took the opportunity of some late afternoon sunshine (the attractive but unheated kind) on Saturday, to go for a chilly stroll round Coombe Woods, the community woodland project set up with millennium funding in 1999.

I even tried a spot of creative manipulation with a shot of the trees at the end of our garden.

Did you branch out into something new at the weekend, don’t leaf us in suspense, show us whatcha got…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post. Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal. Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

For this edition of The Cosmic Photo Challenge I asked you to illustrate the essence of the prompt; In the trees.

Despite hobbling around like a malfunctioning android, due to my back still having all the flexibility and resilience of a breadstick, I managed to get out a couple of times to capture either end of yesterday.

From sunrise over Landkey to twilight in the woods just down the road from home, here are my forest of photos, all of which contain at least one visible tree, no matter how distant…

…well, almost; the sunrise over the river was too nice to leave out.


Before we leaf this week’s theme, let’s see how you branched out, it’s time for y’all to take a bough, if you twig what I mean…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge.

I thought it would be difficult, coming up with something to meet the requirements of K’lee’s prompt on today’s K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge, but a cycle ride yesterday with Audrey gave me inspiration for; The blues and the golds.

Blue sky, golden autumnal foliage.


Oh, and because I can never just leave it at that, I made a new artwork with three of the images above, which Rhonda says looks like the logo from a superhero costume.

See what K’lee had planned for the challenge, HERE.

Now it’s time for you to show us your gold-winning shades of blue.


To get involved with the challenge, post a photo to your blog on Monday, add a pingback to this post (or to K’lee’s) and don’t forget to tag your post #CosPhoChal.
Alternatively, add a link to your blog in the comments of either mine or K’lee’s post and we’ll come and check out your entry.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.


A week in the park.

As promised, the rest of our week’s walks along the riverbank, in photos.

Images From An Internet Nobody

Audrey was on half term last week, so while I was off work we went for a walk each day, in Barnstaple’s Rock Park and along the banks of the river Taw.

It got Audrey off YouTube for an hour or so, she got an ice cream out of it and I got some nice photos into the bargain.

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K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge.

It’s time for another interactive episode of K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge, for which I chose this week’s theme; Looking down.

I didn’t have anything specific in mind when I set the prompt on Friday, so yesterday I took a stroll round the park to seek inspiration.

I found myself looking down from the iron bridge that crosses the river; just in time to catch a canoeist paddling by.

Then, walking back, I looked down through the trees from a raised path at the end of the park, which used to form part of the old railway embankment. There I found steps, descending tunnels of trees and views of the woods down the steep sided bank, dappled in Autumn sunshine.

K’lee’s beautiful photos are HERE, but where are yours, let’s have a look..?


To get involved with the challenge, post a photo to your blog on Monday, add a pingback to this post (or to K’lee’s) and don’t forget to tag your post #CosPhoChal.
Alternatively, add a link to your blog in the comments of either mine or K’lee’s post and we’ll come and check out your entry.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.


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