Nonstop Music Roundup, Part One: The Remixes.

Time for an update on my DIY musical output, so hold onto your ears and limber up your eyeballs.

I thought I’d split the more recent sonic experiments into two separate posts; original compositions (featured in the next post) and remixes of existing tracks by other artists, including a genuine collaboration with a musician friend in Russia, which gets a post all of its own.

In this collection of extended remixes, complete with their own bespoke, psychedelic videos, any additional music you hear in the mix was created by me using my virtual sampler, sequencer and mixing decks and the videos were also produced and edited by yours truly.

Boing Boom Tschak – Kraftwerk


Hi Hello – Four Tet


One Of A Kind – Photek


Protection From Evil – Ibibio Sound Machine


Pocket Calculator – Kraftwerk


Adventures In One Octave – Cavern Of Anti Matter


Musique Non-stop – Kraftwerk

Cosmic future plans.


Hello there, I’ve just popped by to tell you about some plans I have for my weekly interactive photography challenge prompt feature thingy, which has now been going for over 200 posts!

Well, due to storage space limits on this, the second incarnation of my “main” blog, (which I don’t want to have to migrate to a new site all over again) I have decided that I’m going to set up a brand new blog completely dedicated to The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

When the new site is active, I will be publishing both the weekly posts there, but only the Friday Saturday prompts will still appear on this blog thereafter.

I hope that’s clear, but if not don’t worry, there will be a transition period during which I will constantly remind people where they should be posting and I will also provide pingback links to the new blog in the prompt posts on this one.

Thank you for your time, see you tomorrow for this week’s challenge and look out for some audio visual treats later this evening…

A Year On Part Three: Life

Another brave and powerful post from my newly discovered nearly-cousin, Nina, please go over and show her some blog love for Christmas…

Chaos in Slow Motion - Nina’s Life - More Than Meets the Eye

A brief introduction before I start this. I always write my blog posts for myself and this one probably more than any other. I dictate rather than type, so speaking it all out loud is both therapeutic and cathartic. I cry as I speak and it does me a lot of good.

However, I am aware I’m putting this in a public sphere. It’s not particularly positive or uplifting, but there is no need for concern. I have good personal and professional love, help and support and I am not looking for sympathy.

You also obviously don’t have to read this if you don’t want to! I’m just going to be honest and get it out of my system a bit. Trigger warning about mental health issues.

In a way, this is really two years on, as on December 21st 2018 I was discharged from hospital into a nursing home…

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Family matters.

It’s always good to meet new people and it’s doubly nice when those people turn out to be part of the family, even when the connection is a little tenuous.

So imagine my delight when, while chatting to my cousin Richard yesterday, (DJ, musician and founding member of Red Snapper) I discovered two other distant “cousins” I previously knew nothing about. One of them is another very talented musician who goes by the name of Garanuk and the other is a WordPress blogger!

So after you’ve taken in Richard and Will’s musical accomplishments, pop over, say hello and check out Nina’s extraordinary story on her blog, Chaos in Slow Motion.

Reblog: (Mis)adventures in Life & Sourdough: From Pffffft to Puff Pastry (100% Sourdough Croissants and Pain au Chocolat)

Your daily bread.
Another heartfelt post from The Dough Abides, my friend Kris’ blog.

The Dough Abides

Exactly one year ago, I was preparing to go to court, seeking justice after months of being relentlessly stalked, harassed, threatened, and defamed publicly on social media. I am happy to report that justice was served. Not just once, but twice.

Yet, the triumph over my oppressor wasn’t sweet. I came out of that experience feeling eviscerated and deflated, the wind knocked out of my sails. Pfffffffft. Had my life been a movie, those next few months would best be entitled, “Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Dumpster Fire.” I’d exited the darkest chapter in my life only to enter a new one, this time confronting a far more formidable oppressor: my own insecurities, self doubt, and codependency. Suffice it to say, 2019 was Dante’s Inferno on a loop. And 2020 hasn’t been much better.

Until now.

In the last few weeks, amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide…

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Reblog: Levain Chocolat-Orange de Bien-Être (Chocolate-Orange Afterglow Sourdough)

A new WordPress blog by an old blogging friend, please go over and check out her mouth-watering selection of baking, say hi and give her a follow…

The Dough Abides

Yesterday was a good day for many reasons.

First, I got to spend some time with my family: my sons, my mom, two of my brothers, and my older sister and her husband, sitting outside while physically distanced in the gorgeous late spring weather, enjoying lively conversation, many laughs, and a delicious array of homemade baked goods.

If there is anything good to say about this pandemic, it would be that it has brought my family back together.

Secondly, despite this gathering taking place at my house, I resisted the urge to go last minute shopping for things like I usually do, those little extra touches I convince myself are essential but really aren’t, stuff like flowers, half & half, and fresh fruit. So, we made do with whatever I already had on hand here. And it was more than plenty.

Thirdly, I am happy to announce that my laptop’s…

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Not all heroes…

I shared this meme on Facebook recently, (artist unknown) to show support for all nursing and care staff, who are of course the ones on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis and they all do an amazing, superhuman job.

But the UK media has focused (until just the last few days, anyway) on our sainted National Health Service and the impact the virus has had on the lives of its staff and patients.

We, the Great British Public, were even encouraged, (quite rightly, because they are already paying a terrible price for their dedication), to Clap for the NHS on Thursday nights, but what the tabloids and pundits seemed to have forgotten, until the death toll started to rise, were the non-NHS residential care homes, of which there are something like 12,000 in the UK.

My wife and several friends of mine have given their lives and careers to the care of the vulnerable and at risk all over the world and it has always to amazed and angered me that those who we rely on to provide the most essential services in life, are the ones we reward the least for it.

Not that anybody goes into the care industry to become rich, unless you’re an unscrupulous businessman who owns a home, but even then you have to employ staff who…well, care, for the people whose lives they are entrusted with.

Most of these care homes are understaffed and underfunded, aren’t supported by a gigantic infrastructure or supply chain, and are even less equipped to deal with a global pandemic than the state-run hospitals, many of which are already stretched to breaking point. Also, the residents of these homes can and do attend local hospital clinics and emergency departments, making the risk of cross-contamination that much higher.

Clapping for the NHS is all very nice, I’m sure, but how about we expand that to cover ALL care staff?

Social carers work just as hard as doctors and nurses, but they aren’t all getting free stuff in coffee shops, they aren’t being called heroes by the press and they aren’t being allowed into supermarkets with the elderly and vulnerable like NHS staff, despite being just as at risk of passing the virus on to patients.

Oh, and here’s an idea; after all this is over, as well as paying off the debts of student doctors and nurses, how about rescinding all future visa fees for the tax paying, legally resident immigrant workers who are such a vital part of our NHS and social care industry?

Free citizenship for all.

Or maybe as a reward for their service and unthinking selfl-sacrifice, we should continue to make them jump through inhumane and unjustifiable bureaucratic hoops, how about that?

All these conditionality resident, yet uncomplaining and dedicated foreigners, the ones with different skin tones; the ones with strange accents, unusual customs and clothes, the ones who are keeping our country safe and our loved ones alive, why not continue to charge them all obscene amounts of money just to live here and then charge them EVEN MORE, simply to use a health service they work so hard to support?

They leave their families behind every day, not knowing if they’ll be coming home that night, to make sure you can come home to yours for the rest of your life.

Don’t you think anyone who does that should have the right to call the country for which they do it, “home”?

How about we all do the right thing by the people who are quite literally putting their lives on the line for us every day?

Thank you all for your service.

#COVID19 #socialcare #NHS

Public enquiry.

Hello again, I have a favour to ask of anyone viewing this post on a computer or laptop, as opposed to a phone or tablet.

My old friend, Ho, has informed me that the visible posts on my front page have vanished and he can only see them individually, via the e-mail notification

So could you please click on the Return of the Internet Nobody title banner at the top of this page, or the Home option in the drop down menu beneath it.

Can you see this twin-column homepage configuration, on a zigzag background…

…or is it just a repeating zigzag pattern, with no text, all the way down to the menus and links at the bottom of the page?

Let me know of any peculiarities in the comments, thanks.

Testing, testing…1, 2, 3, testing…t, t, t, t, testing.

I seem to be having a few little problems with pingbacks and notifications, which a couple of readers have mentioned and I have also noticed something similar on K’lee’s blog recently.

So this is a test post to help the WordPress Happiness Engineers to track and capture any gremlins who are lurking in the system.

But since I have you here, you might as well get something out of it, so here’s one of my strange remixes for you to listen to and/or download.

It’s a bona-fide ’80s pop classic which I’m sure a lot of you will recognise, spliced rather neatly together with a band who were one of their major influences and one of my all time favourites. So click the link below or the image above and enjoy, completely gratis and free of charge, my latest understated masterpiece…

*****WEST END MODEL*****

Any feedback about that or any notification problems will be, as ever, gratefully received.

Reblog: Buy Indie Books! Part 2

A little late for Linda’s birthday, but a post worth sharing, nonetheless…

It’s my birthday! My wish for this year is to give back to the writing community here on WordPress and all over social media for all the support you’ve given me over the past year.

To celebrate, I’d like to propose that if you’re a self-published, independent author, drop a link (Amazon only, please) and a sentence or two about one of your novels in the comments here, especially if it’s on sale today.

And if you’re a reader and you love to escape into the magical world of books, consider buying indie! Find the links (mine included) in the comments.

And don’t forget to please share this post!

Thank you, from the bottom of my little writer’s heart. ❤

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