New music special – Part two: Sampling Twin Peaks.

In case anyone missed it, I’m a massive fan of David Lynch in general and the unique soap noir which is Twin Peaks in particular.

By extension, I’m also a big fan of the late musician, composer and multi-instrumentalist, Angelo Badalamenti.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before one or other of them featured in my musical endeavours and at the weekend I embarked on a project which involves them both.

I began by extracting just the vocal tracks from two Lynch/Badalamenti collaborations, “A Real Indication and “The Black Dog Runs At Night” and fed them into my sampler. I applied layers of effects to the vocals before adding a lot of industrial electronica and even more effects, then started on the video.

The raw materials were just a few clips from Twin Peaks and its prequel, Fire Walk With Me, which I chopped and blended and sprinkled with electronic fairy dust, before adding the newly recorded soundtrack to produce An Unreal Indication

{Contains flashing and potentially disturbing images}

From start to Finnish: The Woolhouse International Rescue service.

Those of you who follow my particular brand of online nonsense will already be aware that I am a huge Twin Peaksfan. You may also remember that this obsession with David Lynch’s extraordinary TV odyssey, led to me being involved in the comedic fellowship of The Woolhouse Boys, a Facebook group set up to celebrate an obscure side-character and his garish knitwear.

{If you are now scratching your head and thinking I’ve lost it completely, GO HEREto find out more}

As I have previously indicated, this merry band of like-minded, friendly geeks and nerds are only too happy to lend a helping hand to other members in times of need, which is one of the reasons I love The Woolhouse so much.

Well at the weekend, I was able to offer a little woolly thinking to a couple of fellow Lynch-obsessives from snowy Finland, who have been making Twin Peaks-inspired short films for some time.

Merja and Tarja sent me a link to their latest project and I suggested a small tweak to the music, saying I’d be happy to help if they needed it.

Long story, short; I offered to mix the soundtrack for them and, since they were happy with the result, I thought it only fair that I shared it with you here.

There are already several other short films on their YouTube channel, so if you like atmospheric, enigmatic audio visual treats, why not pop over and subscribe, especially if you’re a Twin Peaks fan.

Here is the short clip to which I added a small pinch of sonic polishing, so please enjoy DARK DREAM.

The End and beyond.

I’m sorry if you were expecting to find my (almost) regular SoCS post here, but I’m afraid today has been too full of geeky anticipation and online nerdiness for me to concentrate on anything other than…


Ok, I know, I know, the vast majority of you won’t have the faintest clue of why that is so significant, but (as I’m sure you’re aware by now) I am a massive fan of David Lynch’s surreal tv universe; you know, the one where he redefined what tv shows could be?

Well, quite frankly, over the last three months, he’s done it again.

But I’m not here to wax lyrical about how utterly and completely Lynch has rewritten the rule book, or just how astounding The Return has been. No I’m here to wax lyrical (again) about the millions of other people like me; the fans.

You can read about The Woolhouse Boys here, if you haven’t already heard about us, but I’m not just talking about that merry band of brothers, I’m talking about the truly extraordinary online community of groups, pages and individuals, who have made this second bite of the Twin Peaks cherry so much more than just being a fan of a tv show.

I have met a huge number of creative, talented, funny and genuinely warm people over the last six months of communal geeking, both leading up to and during (probably) the final season of “our show”, as it is often affectionately referred to, many of whom I’m sure I will remain friends with for years to come.

Because as it turns out, it isn’t just a love of Twin Peaks we have in common, it’s an attitude, a worldview, a philosophy if you like, which seems to be shared by those of us who gravitate to Lynch’s universe. Rarely (not since discovering the blogging community, in fact) have I been part of an extended group of people, with such a diverse demographic, which has been so inclusive, friendly and welcoming of new ideas.

Whether it’s the brash, snarky, too-clever-by-half memeing of the Logposters™, the deep analysis and thought experiments of the discussion groups, or, yes, the joyous parody of the Woolhouse Boys, my Facebook newsfeed has been solid Twin Peaks posts since May 21st, when the greatest tv show ever made made its triumphant return to our screens after over a quarter of a century.

And then there are the stars of the show, who joined in with our jolly japes and daft sweater montages; John Pirruccello (Chad Broxford) in particular, who we were honoured to welcome into our group, has been a total star and a great sport and it’s obvious to see his love for the fans and for the show itself; Billy Zane, who exchanged jokes with us on Twitter and still owes us a photo of him with his dad in the sweater; James Grixoni, (Deputy Jesse) who, along with John, met up with some of the Woolhouse Boys in person at the recent Twin Peaks fest, but especially to the lovely Sabrina Sutherland, executive producer of the show, Lynch and Frost’s right hand woman and fierce hunter-down of spoiler leakers.

In fact Sabrina made my day only yesterday, by showing her support and appreciation for our other group, The Cult of Chad…

And now there are only two episodes left and I will be getting up at 5am tomorrow morning to watch them before work, so I can find all my fellow geeks online and say; “Oh wow, wasn’t that…”

So I’d just like to say a sincere and heartfelt thank you to all of the new friends I’ve made and to everyone who helped make the entire experience a real event, in an age when television has become disposable and social media is sometimes a cold and bleak place to hang out.

Thank you, in no particular order, to;

Joel, Kneel, Wyatt, Nev, Chris, Mark, Dan, Tara, Emily, Christian, Jill, Noah, John, Sabrina, Rachel, Neil, Laura, Thomas, William and all the other wonderful folks who get it.

I’ll see you all in the trees.

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