The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Good morning, happy Monday everyone.

I requested that this week’s edition of The Cosmic Photo Challenge should feature images themed around the prompt; Solid, liquid or gas.

I vaguely presumed some of you in chillier climes might be able to combine ice, water and steam/clouds for your submissions, but I didn’t really have a plan until yesterday morning, when I started mucking about with slo-mo video.

I discovered that it’s possible to get some very effective results with just a tripod, some ice cubes and various beverages (coffee turned out to be the best) positioned carefully over the sink.

You’ll have to take my word for it that there’s steam rising from the coffee mug, but I compensated for its invisibility by providing three states of picture instead; still, gif and video.

Now it’s time for you to show us what’s making a splash in your world this week…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Good morning to you and welcome to a 2020 greatest hits edition of The Cosmic Photo Challenge, wherein y’all pick your personal favourite shots of the year for a prompt we’re calling; Cream of the crop.

I decided to go with a selection of images which sum up life here in one small corner of Devon, during this surreal and uniquely challenging year.

From the time I spent off work, sitting in the garden for weeks on end, finding new and creative ways to entertain myself; to solitary walks along woodland paths and riverbanks, capturing an unusually quiet and empty version of the world; to bizarre lockdown art projects and video experiments, 2020 was a year which will be hard to forget.

It’s been an absolute pleasure to have your collective company over the last twelve months, however difficult it may have seemed, we made it through.

Now it’s time for you to show off your proudest photographic moments, come on, don’t be shy…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

On Friday for The Cosmic Photo Challenge, I asked you to provide your own interpretation of my inspiration; Vertical.

I have taken a very loose guide from the prompt; capturing images on a short walk yesterday morning which are either of vertical things, from vertical things, or at a vertical angle, plus a bit of creative mucking about.

Walls, walking, fences, bridges, hedges and selfies, it’s amazing what you can squeeze out of a simple one word theme.

Where did the directions lead you over the weekend?

Come on, I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Good morning, welcome to Monday.

There will be an exciting announcement coming later today, but for now it’s time to turn our attention to The Cosmic Photo Challenge and the prompt I left you to mull over at the weekend; The everyday into the unusual.

I dropped my glasses onto my Audrey Hepburn cushion on the way to the shower yesterday and this was what I saw on my return…

…which reminded me of this sacrilegious but amusing defacement I made a couple of weeks ago.

After that, I got a bit carried away.

I took a handful of perfectly ordinary images from recent photo outings…

…and did a lot of peculiar things to them until they looked like this.

How did you get on with meeting this week’s challenge, we’re all dying to know..?


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Monday again, which means it’s time for The Cosmic Photo Challenge, brought to you this week by the prompt; Look to the skies.

We’ve been seeing some really cool clouds recently, drifting over the hills and valleys of the river estuary landscape around Barnstaple, here are some of my favourites.

Now let’s all have a look at what you have all looked up at.


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge.

This week on The Cosmic Photo Challenge I asked you to illustrate the prompt; Choose your masks.

Chosen partly because masks are very topical right now, partly because I was staring at a mask on the wall while I was thinking up the prompt, partly because I’d just ordered a very funky LED face mask for Audrey’s birthday and partly so I could crowbar in a great bit of psychedelic space rock at the end of this post, it resulted in the following photographic offerings.

One of my collection of face coverings inspired a few images…

…while Audrey and her birthday present provided the terpsichorean illumination with which to do some light painting.

And to play us out, as promised, here’s Hawkwind with “Choose Your Masques”

Now let’s take a peek behind your mask…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

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